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2024-03-15 11:34:52

Hui, ich habe einen Admin einer DE-Mastodon Instanz, der offenbar ganz, ganz doll mit den Chinesen und deren Politik ist, zu offen herausgefordert.
Henu, wenn ihm die Argumente ausgehen, dann blockt er halt.🤷🏼‍♂️
Ein Schneeflöckli ist geschmolzen… 🤦‍♂️
cc: @…
2024-02-16 09:10:08

"#Arsen in #Bangladesch: Schleichende Vergiftung
Bangladeschs #Trinkwasser ist stark mit #Arsen
2024-05-09 22:16:52

El desprecio por el conocimiento, el pensamiento crítico y la ciencia por parte de los libertarios es realmente aterrador. Esto es, literalmente, terraplanismo político 😬
Lilia Lemoine, la terraplanista que asumió en la Comisión de Ciencia de Argentina | Noticias de hoy | EL ESPECTADOR
2024-05-15 21:14:45

This ridiculous argument is very common.
The age of consent is not 18.
and in the few places where it is, there is literally no reason for setting that age.
and we are not talking about the legal age of motherhood
calling it "the horrors of motherhood" is fear-mongering bullshit
suppressing young adult sexuality doesn't benefit anyone.
Abstinence Only failed miserably
2024-05-12 10:56:05

"Since the 17th century,a rationalist world view prompted by philosophers such as #Descartes increasingly saw things from a mechanical perspective, comparing the workings of the universe to a great machine. Rather than any kind of divine spirit inhabiting the natural world, this perspective emphasised the split between the human mind & physical matter."
2024-04-15 07:25:37

Estimate of force noise from electrostatic patch potentials in LISA Pathfinder
Stefano Vitale, Lorenzo Sala, Valerio Ferroni, William Joseph Weber
2024-04-09 08:51:37

This has been replaced.
2024-04-01 23:59:46

FDA might update its pulse oximeter guidelines for manufacturers
2024-05-07 20:42:19

As I work today I'm listening to the soundtrack from the 1982 Conan the Barbarian film that was composed by Basil Poledouris. Things are feeling fairly barbaric at the moment here in the Arizona desert

The cover art for the soundtrack for the 1982 Conan the Barbarian film, the classic art from the poster. Conan is standing with a helmet and his sword stretched to the sky, and Valeria kneeling with her sword point to the ground on the rock in front of him. An epic piece by Renato Casaro.
2024-03-17 23:31:40

Geochemical and Photochemical Constraints on S[IV] Concentrations in Natural Waters on #Prebiotic Earth: #sulfur and the #OriginOfLife: (a University of Arizona-led study shines a spotlight on sulfur, a chemical element that, while all familiar, has proved surprisingly resistant to scientific efforts in probing its role in the origin of life).